
Parwarish organizaon was established in a response to the situaon arising out of the crisis in Swat back 2009. Inially our organizaon provided humanitarian services to the IDPs; distribung scholarships among the University students of Malakand division as well as establishing and running 37 makeshi schools throughout the KPK province. With the IDPs having returned to their homes, our organizaon, keeping in view the post-crisis situaon in the area decided to establish an instuon to be named “Parwarish Home” to serve as a residenal school for children rendered orphans as a result of the crisis in Swat. The newly named instuon was inaugurated on November 9, 2009. To select truly deserving and needy children, a survey on standard paern was carried out. The same procedure is sll adhered to. In addion, our organizaon also provided the flood affected people of Kalam, Utrorr and Dir Kohistan with financial assistance in 2010 and also established a completely free residenal facility for hundreds of affected matriculaon students of these areas for six months.
A plot of 50 kanal was purchased in the year 2017, where two floors of boys hostel are constructed. Boarding and schooling facilies are provided at the hostel building. The construcon of Al-Ikram Masjid, funded by Mr. Muhammad Ikram Javed (Late) is completed and Inaugurated on July 07, 2023. The construcon of school building is in progress by the provincial Govt. of KP.
To make available suitable avenues of learning and socializaon to them, the students of Parwarish were admied to the knowledge fort school. Here they are receiving modern educaon along with students from the local community in an environment defined by Islamic values.

As per policy, 25 children are provided with the opportunity to become members of our Parwarish family. Now the total number of children, are 400. The successful journey of Parwarish Organizaon From the year 2009 is extra ordinary and can only be matched by few governmental and nongovernmental social welfare organizaons. This period of journey journey is one in which we have traversed many milestone while upholding the
commitment of trust and sincere service… promise made at the foundaon of the organizaon. In arriving at where we stand today, we acknowledge with great gratude that our all this success, recognized by all the concerned, was made possible because of the efforts and cooperaon of some public sector organizaons, nongovernmental organizaons and individual donors (local, naonal and internaonal). They supported us morally, financially, professionally and logiscally. Pakistan Associaon Dubai (PAD) has been cooperang with us from the very beginning while other organizaons such as Qatar Charity Pakistan, Pak Army, Al-khidmat Foundaon, Human Appeal, AFAQ, and also business community from Karachi are also worth menon for their indispensable valuable support and cooperaon. On the occasion of publishing this report, I, being the Director of Parwarish Organizaon, am incredibly thankful to all organizaons and the individuals menoned for their connuous support and guidance. I assure them all that we shall connue our efforts to enhance and expand the scope of services of our organizaon. Humbly, I seek the forgiveness of Allah for errors, omissions and mistakes. I pray Allah Almighty that He connues to shower his blessings upon us.
