Palestine Appeal

O Allah, protect the Palestinians.
Ease their troubles.
Show them Your kindness.
Guide others to help them now

Provide Immediate Aid To Gaza Now


Gaza is facing tough times with constant attacks, resulting in at least 38,000 deaths and several thousand wounded. Over 2.2 million oppressed and displaced Palestinians are seeking safe havens. They have endured longstanding challenges that impact their daily lives and survival. Now more than ever, they need our support. Aghosh Alkhidmat USA is partnering with local organizations, delivering emergency medical resources to hospitals in critical need and providing food to displaced families. Please support Aghosh Alkhidmat USA in these efforts. Your assistance can make a significant difference for those in need.

Become a hand to minimize in Gaza by donating for healthcare and food for displaced Palestinian brothers and sisters.

Step Forward!

Extend your support for this great noble cause and support millions of Palestinian in Gaza.